Monday, November 28, 2011
Cover it up, girl.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Christmas is not about reindeer.
Dear baby girl,
So Christmas is coming round the corner and I am mad. Like angry mad. I was just listening to some 'Christmas' music and all they are singing about is stupid reindeer and Christmas trees and stockings and Christmas eve.
I am going to inform you now. There is no such thing as Santa Claus. I mean Santa Claus is the dumbest thing ever invented. A big, fat man in a red suit riding around the world with reindeer with red, shiny noses in ONE EVENING spreading gifts to only good children. Whoever invented this story should be given a Nobel Prize for his moronism. And of course, parents use this load of crap to entice their children into being good and well behaved. My darling, I would never insult your intelligence by trying to make you believe this rubbish.
Let me tell you what Christmas is all about. One word. SACRIFICE. Christmas is all about God sacrificing His precious and only Son to an evil and selfish world. And no, Jesus wasn't born on the 25th of December. But okay, people like to make a big deal out that day. Personally, I don't care which day Jesus was born. What matters is that He was born. God trusted us humans with His beloved Son. I mean, doesn't that awe you? And look what we did to Him.
So hurrah for Christmas eve and decorations and dinners with your family and gifts and blah blah. If your Christmas is not about being a blessing to people who actually need it, then you're just wasting this precious time of year. I mean why are we spending so much money buying gifts for our family members who have pretty much everything they need, when we should be buying gifts for those less fortunate? Those kids who don't have parents or the older folk who have been forgotten by their own children. What are we doing for them? Nothing. Instead we choose to sit around a table full of people who have more than they need, selfishly laughing and being happy with each other and gobbling down tons of food which isn't even good for us! We choose to buy gifts for ourselves and our 'loved' ones instead of spending that money on someone who is not so fortunate.
NO. I am angry. I am sad. Christmas is NOT Christmas if you are not helping someone else. I mean of course you should spend it with your family, but it shouldn't end there. There are more people in this world than just our family!
So let me inform you, that when you are born into our family, we will not be spending our Christmas wasting money and time and energy on decorations and stuffing food down our throats. We will be a blessing to those less fortunate. Because when God asks me at the end of my life, what did you do during Christmas? I do not want to answer Him, 'Errr I bought a Christmas tree'. Nice. God gave to me. I need to give to others.
I love you. And I want you to love people.
Always yours,
P.S.:- Listen to this. That is all.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Baby girl, doesn't matter how old you hard, work with integrity and work with passion! This 15 year old boy, Brian "Astro" Bradley, inspires me :)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Just do it.
Hey baby girl,
So yesterday it's been....4 months since I moved to Finland! Honestly, it feels like much longer than that. I guess that's because so much has happened in such a short time. So many lessons I've had to learn in just 4 months which I hadn't learned in years. Nevertheless, I can tell you that being in Finland has been an incredible journey so far.
Yes, there have been many nights I've cried out to God and asked Him, 'WHY AM I HERE?!' But God, in His kindness and love, has always replied, 'Don't be afraid. I am with you.' And true enough, He has been with me. Though the journey, so far, has been bumpy, it's been a good one!
Today I look back and I can understand why I was brought here. I have changed a lot as a person. Mostly in a good way. God has pushed me to push my limits. He has made me face my fears. But above all, He has caused me to lean on Him. And this is probably a lesson you should learn at an early age, for the faster you learn it, the better! It doesn't matter who is around you. It could be people who you love the most or people you can't stand at all. The only person you lean on is God. Because I can assure you, He is the only person who will NOT let you down. Everyone is human and they are just as fragile and vulnerable as you are. So don't forget, lean on your Heavenly Daddy!
I also know that another reason God brought us here was to serve Him. Your daddy and I have had so many opportunities to serve God. We have been given the amazing privilege of singing and playing in many churches and we got to share our little life stories in the meantime. Our faith has been tested and so has our obedience.
I just thought I would share a little story with you, which happened a couple of days ago. So daddy and I go to a Finnish Church. It's a nice church but it's all in Finnish so I understand very little of what's going on. Daddy translates for me usually. However something I do love, is singing the old songs in Finnish. They are slow and so different from what I'm used to but they are incredibly beautiful!
So last Sunday, we were seated at the back and daddy was translating for me, when a somewhat elderly lady came and sat next to me. She was smelling of cigarettes and she didn't look like she was ok. The moment she sat down, I sort of felt an electric shock in me and I heard the Holy Spirit telling me to pray for her. So I asked your daddy to stop translating as I wanted to concentrate and I started praying for her quietly. Somewhere during the songs, she started crying. Now I knew it was not just a voice in my head asking me to pray for her. The service was coming to a close and I heard the Holy Spirit asking me to talk to her after the service that He had something He wanted to tell her. Now in Finland, people don't just walk up to strangers and start talking to them so I felt a bit nervous. I was wondering, okay is this REALLY God or is this just my own voice? But I thought, no, I'm not going to think twice about this. I'm just going to do it. So after the service daddy and I walked up to her and he asked her if she could speak English and she said no. So I started talking to her in English and daddy translated. I told her how much God loves her and how her life is so important to Him and how He has made her to do great things for Him. And there in the middle of the church she started bawling and hugged me. And in the little English she knew, she asked me, 'What's your name?'
It was just a small act of obedience on mine and daddy's part, but who knows how far that small act could go. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, no matter how scared you are, when you hear God's voice asking you to do something. Just do it. Whether it is to talk to someone you have never spoken to or leave all your family and friends and move to a different continent, when God asks you to do something, just do it! You don't know how many lives you can change :)
Lots of love and cuddles,
Mummy <3
P.S. IT'S AUTUMN!! And that's mummy's favourite season :) Here is a picture of me and daddy showing a tree some love ;)