
Friday, March 9, 2012

Feel-Good Generation.

Hi baby girl,

Welcome to the Feel-Good Generation.

We are the generation that does what feels good, no matter the cost. We spend our whole lives chasing for that one high, that one moment, that one experience that makes everything else worth it. We run behind superficial happiness, but only because it's easy.  We want the things we can never have. We want the things everyone else has. We are never satisfied with who we are or what we possess. We always want more.

Patience is for losers. We are the super-fast generation. Super fast technology, super fast cars, super fast girls and super fast boys, super fast relationships, super fast noodles. Everything is so fast, that the reality is most of us are trying to keep up. Keep up with the fashion, keep up with the latest trends, we spend our lives keeping up. We're all out of breath but we don't stop for a second to think, we just keep on running.

The motto of our youth is get rich or die trying. Money and sex. The two things that control our lives. We think those two things will complete our lives. Make us happy. Give us peace. Give us status. Give us respect. Oh yeah, we don't earn respect anymore. We demand it. With guns and foul language. By bullying and looking down on people. Women think they gain respect by taking off their clothes. Men think they gain respect by being the man who gets with the most number of women who take off their clothes. We don't respect others, but they must respect us.We don't even respect ourselves anymore, yet we expect others to respect us.

We love to look good on the outside, but we pay no attention to our insides. While our faces are painted with colour and vibrance, our insides are decomposing. There is no room in our lives for compassion and kindness. Why? Because it doesn't benefit us. Why should we bother with it? Everything is about me. I have to look out for myself. I have to succeed. It doesn't matter who I have to hurt or trample on to succeed. This is MY life.

Commitment, honesty, keeping your word, respect, honour, dignity are a thing of the past. They are too old-fashioned. You can't be successful and be honest at the same time. Can you? You must get divorced at least once in your life. You must sleep with as many boys as you can before you get married. You must lust after as many women as you possibly can. You must lie and cheat otherwise you just can't get to the top. It doesn't matter if what you are doing is wrong, as long as it feels good to you. It's ok to walk out on relationships just because you don't feel in love anymore. It's ok to curse at your parents and elders, after all, they are just a bunch of old people. What do they know? It's ok to watch porn cos everyone else does. It's cool to be rebellious and have no respect for authorities.


Today, I'm taking a stand. I refuse to be a part of this generation. I refuse to accept all the lies and the standards this world has set. Because in my opinion, these are not standards that I want to base my life on.

My standard is Jesus. My standard is the Bible. It's the oldest book and yet the most relevant book. I have found all my answers in this one book.

The Bible tells me to be honest. It tells me to give to the poor. It tells me to protect my body and my mind. It tells me that I have been put on this Earth not just for myself, but to be a blessing to others. It tells me to honour my commitments. It tells me to respect and be kind to everybody regardless of their nationality, religion, cast or creed. It tells me to forgive, not just once but over and over again. It tells me not to lie or cheat. It tells me to honour my parents and elders. It tells me that money should never be my master. It tells me that I am created beautifully, that I don't need to slobber my face with makeup to look attractive. It tells me I must respect the authorities. It tells me to look after the Earth I am placed on, and not pollute it. It tells me God sent His Son to die on MY behalf, even when I didn't deserve such a sacrifice, so I should love others like He loves me, whether I think they deserve it or not.

So that's my standard. I believe in a new generation. A generation that is cured of this 'Feel-Good' disease. A generation that is consumed with real love, not with superficial, feel-good love. A generation that is kind and honest and seeking to do the right thing always, especially when it's hard. A generation that is respectful and a generation that seeks to find the best in everyone. A generation who gives and not hoards. A generation whose motto is 'Unselfish to the Core'

That's the generation I long to see. The generation I want you, my little angel, to be part of. So it starts with me. I'm going to live differently, and hope and pray that others will see and others will follow.

Because after all, it takes just one tiny matchstick to start a forest fire. So wherever you are, be that little matchstick.

Love you muchly,

Monday, March 5, 2012

Far Too Kind.

Hi my baby girl,

First of all, if you were here, you would LOVE today's weather. Just gorgeous! With the sun and the blue sky and snow and frisky air...gorgeous!

it's so BLUE!

But today something very sweet happened. I just wanted to share it with you because it reminded me of an important lesson, which us humans tend to forget so easily.

Today I was walking for a meeting to my office and I was focusing very intently on where I stepped because now the roads are quite slippery and I did not desire to fall. So I was walking when I saw this fairly elderly lady walking towards me so I smiled at her and she smiled at me and said 'Hei'. My heart leaped up inside of me with joy because for months and months I have been trying to smile at people on the street here and for my 8 months here, maybe one or two people smiled back. Glum, I know. I would tell daddy, I am going to get people to smile at me!! I was determined! And she smiled!! And then I was walking more and ANOTHER gentleman smiled at me and said something inaudible but who cares! He smiled too!!

Now you are probably wondering what is the big deal here. Two random people on the street smiling at you. But here in Finland, it just doesn't happen that often. I come from Sri Lanka where everyone is smiling at each other and whistling at girls on the street and laughing at random people. So I miss that!!

And then I thought about kindness. Their little smiles brought me so much joy. I don't know why, but it did. I was smiling like an idiot the whole way to my meeting. They probably don't know what an impact they had on me, but I was quite grateful to God for our short encounters.

It made me think more about the impact my actions have on others. Am I too busy to be kind to people? Am I too absorbed in my own life and my own problems to be unselfish for a few seconds to smile at someone? Or give them a small compliment? Or just check up on how they are doing? What impact am I having on people? How is my life touching others?

Because the reality is, everyone is busy. I don't know what we are doing so much, but somehow we are always busy. Busy getting rich, mostly. So busy that we have forgotten to be kind to others. Especially the people we don't know or won't benefit us in anyway. Also we are scared to be kind to people. What if they take advantage of us? We never have time for others. We are far too busy thinking of ourselves. Even if someone is writhing in pain on the floor, we don't have time to stop and help or we are too scared to get involved. Let someone else take care of it. No.

I like to take my example of living from Jesus. The kindest man I know. He hung out with the rejects in society. Showed them love. He gave to the poor. He went out of His way to be kind to people, no matter how tired He was. He encouraged people. He gave them hope and life. He gave people second chances. He didn't judge people the way society did. Eventually, He gave up His life on a cross for the very people who pinned Him to it.

I want to be like that. I want you to be like that. Kind to the core. I never want to be too busy to care about people. To smile at strangers. To encourage those who are down. To pray for those who need it. To push down the walls that people have built up because they are scared to let people in. To tell others about how much Jesus loves them. To bake a cake for someone else. To send a text or message to someone telling them I'm thinking of them. I never want you to be too busy for those things also. These are small things, but important things. And it doesn't matter if anybody notices or you feel it's insignificant. What matters is you do it with the right attitude of being a blessing to somebody else.

Be kind, my darling. Someone else needs it today.

Love mummy

Thursday, March 1, 2012

"Look at me"

Hey baby girl,

I remember when I was a kid I went with some friends to this amusement park. And we were on this ride which just went round and round and it got faster and faster. But all it did was go round. And somewhere in the middle of it, I started feeling sick in my stomach. And I was wondering what is the point of this? Why am I even on this ride? I just wanted to jump off but I couldn’t. It wouldn’t stop. And I remember someone saying, don’t close your eyes and don’t look around just look at the ground. You will feel better. And strangely, I did.

And some mornings I wake up, and I ask myself the same question. Why am I living? Why am I here? Because some days it’s easy to forget the reason. Some days it’s easier to close my eyes again and hide in bed. Some days I hear only silence and echoes. Some days I just want to go back home. Some days I just want to scream and cry but I don’t have enough energy. Some days I just need someone to tell me that I’ll make it through. Some days I need hope.

And on those days, I’m tempted to close my eyes. I’m tempted to give up and walk away. But then I hear this still, small voice saying, “Don’t close your eyes. Don’t look around you. Look at me.” And in those moments, He gives me the patience and the grace to live that day and the day after that. He reminds me He loves me. He reminds me my life is not just for me. He reminds me that there are more broken souls to be touched, more broken hearts to be fixed. He reminds me that He is always here with me.

So when you feel tempted to give up or run away, look at Jesus.

I love you…


P.S:- one of my favourite songs.